Optivoice Business Security
Robust and simplified protection for evolving businesses.
Always stay one step ahead of cyber threats.

Optivoice protects you against cyber threats with advanced security solutions from Microsoft and Bitdefender

Comprehensive security
Your business is protected against all types of malware and cyber attacks with the latest technology

Configuration and support
From initial implementation to technical support, you benefit from a customised approach to setting up your security solutions.

Predictable costs
You get the best level of security at competitive prices, specially designed for the needs of small and medium-sized companies.
Microsoft Defender for Business
Microsoft Defender for Business is a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution that provides extensive security for devices and servers. It includes advanced threat detection and rapid response functionality, a state-of-the-art antivirus system, and tools for automated investigation and correction of security issues. In addition, it has the ability to monitor and counter vulnerabilities, maintaining the integrity of IT systems.

Identificare rapidă
Microsoft Defender te ajută să descoperi și să evaluezi vulnerabilitățile critice și riscurile iminente din infrastructura companiei tale.
Prin instrumentele sale avansate de gestiune a amenințărilor și a vulnerabilităților, te ajută să prioritizezi și să corectezi rapid orice slăbiciuni sau erori de configurare ale software-ului.
Acest proces te conduce spre crearea unei baze solide și proactive pentru securitatea mediului tău informatic.
Protecție robustă
Soluția Microsoft oferă o consolidare avansată a securității prin minimizarea punctelor vulnerabile pe toate dispozitivele și aplicațiile tale, restrângând suprafața de atac accesibilă agresorilor cibernetici.
Aceasta rezolvă provocările de securitate printr-o protecție eficientă antimalware și antivirus pe dispozitivele fizice și în cloud, oferind o barieră puternică împotriva pătrunderii amenințărilor în infrastructura ta IT.
Recuperare adaptabilă
Soluția Microsoft facilitează extinderea capabilităților de securitate ale companiei tale și asigură o recuperare rapidă în urma incidentelor cibernetice, prin mecanisme automate de investigare și remediere.
Aceasta scanează alertele și abordează eficient atacurile, permițându-ți să restaurezi serviciile și să protejezi datele fără întârzieri.
Global Recognition
Microsoft Defender for Business, built on the solid foundation of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, enjoys an outstanding reputation in the industry.

Microsoft has been named a leader in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Endpoint Protection.

Microsoft is a leader in real-world detection in the MITRE ATT&CK assessment.

Microsoft, IDC MarketScape leader for endpoint security in SMBs and enterprises.

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Forrester leader in endpoint detection and response Q2'2022.
Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security
GravityZone Business Security offers a complete and effective security package ideal for SMBs, integrating advanced malware protection with ease of use and optimized cost. This single platform covers all your IT security needs, from desktops to servers, with the flexibility of cloud or on-premise management.

Layered Protection
Combat complex attacks with a suite of synergistic technologies, from advanced antimalware to anti-exploit protection and defense against network attacks.
Efficient Management
Manage all security activities from a single console with an easy-to-deploy agent across all company endpoints.
Anti-Ransomware Technologies
Innovative ransomware prevention that not only blocks attacks but also automatically remedies the consequences, protecting and restoring company data.
Behavioural Analysis
Continuous surveillance and risk assessment to anticipate attacks before they cause damage.
Industry recognition
Independent testing organizations, industry analysts and media recognize Bitdefender as a leader in cybersecurity.

GravityZone adapts to the needs and growth of your business, providing real-time protection against a broad spectrum of cyber threats, allowing you to focus on growing your business instead of worrying about IT security.
Among our clients