Hosted PBX

Hosted PBX is an IP PBX hosted in a data centre, with only the terminals (extensions or phones) at the customer’s end, and which can be accessed via a friendly interface.

Choosing a cloud phone system is a good decision not only for new companies buying a phone system, but also for those who already own a PBX. A hosted PBX can bring significant savings in call management, maintenance and costs, so moving to a cloud IP system should be the obvious choice for any company.

Main advantages of Hosted PBX solutions:

1. No up-front costs: you can invest nothing in equipment, which translates into significant savings for the company; the switchboard is hosted in a data centre and you can use software on your PC or mobile phone for dialling.
2. No maintenance, upkeep, repairs: with the disappearance of the equipment, the related activities and costs disappear, as well as the downtime caused by breakdowns.
3. Go green: environmental care is a must for modern business; cloud technology means no wires and equipment at the customer’s location, so less waste and less energy consumed
4. Free 24/7 monitoring: you don’t need hired or contracted staff to monitor, configure and repair equipment, hosted pbx providers generally provide 24/7 monitoring and real-time intervention by qualified staff at no extra charge.
5. Scalability, changes, instant move: increasing or decreasing the number of interiors, changes in configuration, moving from one location to another are done almost instantaneously and do not require service interruption.
6. Mobility: mobile VoIP allows you to connect to the switchboard from anywhere in the world and from any internet-connected device (PC, mobile phone, tablet, IP phone); you can have your landline phone with you anywhere and anytime.
7. Integration and upgrade: most Hosted PBX solutions allow API (application programming interface) integration, which makes it possible to customize the phone system and integrate it with the company’s CRM (customer base); rapid technological evolution does not require the purchase of newer equipment or additional software because you will always have at your disposal the latest solutions on the market.

Hosted PBXs can be the optimal solution for both corporations and small and medium-sized businesses. See for yourself

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