New Optivoice PBX platform

With the new Optivoice PBX platform we bring multiple improvements to our services:
- we are doing away with third-party PC and mobile applications; the new applications are proprietary, fully integrated into the telephony platform and offer you:
– superior audio quality
– increased stability and safety
– ease of use

- We bring you advanced call center tools:
– wallboard with real-time information
– complex and programmable reporting
– listen, whisper, barge-in functions integrated in the PC application

- add text communication:
– internal chat (text messages between users) with presence status and profile pictures
– live chat (integrated into your website, for text communication with your customers)
– Facebook and WhatsApp integration (optional)

- we include videoconferencing service, with a maximum of 100 simultaneous participants, for:
– organisation of internal meetings or with external participants
– video communication with customers, remote support
– webinar support for presentations of new products or services

- we offer you the innovative intelligent assistant (optional):
– text2speech/speech2text
– allows you to automate telephone communication with customers, thus streamlining human resources
– you can provide a 24/7 service

Optivoice PBX customers can migrate to this platform whenever they want, for scheduling please contact Optivoice technical support team.